012 Gazebo Roses Sampler (схема+спец.мат.)

The Victoria Sampler
5940.00 Р
Price in points: 5940 points
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Design Area: 64 stitches x 238 stitches
Model: on 28ct. ConfederateGrey Quaker Cloth this sampler measures 4.5" x 17.5" Cut fabric 11" x 24".

В комплекте:

Caron Waterlilies - #088 "Mountain Meadow"
Gentle Art Sampler Threads "Tropical Ocean"
YLI 4mm silk ribbon - #74 green
YLI 4mm silk ribbon - #122 pink
Mill Hill Petite beads #40557 gold
SJ Designs 2mm pearl beads - white
Access Fresh Waters Pearls - ivory

Trebizond Silk TRA 125

Дополнительные материалы не входящие в комплект со схемой:

White Kreinik Cord 102C Soft Gold
DMC Floss 928, 739, 738, 3768
DMC #8 Perle Cotton 928, 926, 504
DMC #12 Perle Cotton 928, white  

The Victoria Sampler